Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Time

The entire month of December is always a blur and documenting it always get put on the back burner, and therefore must be recapped.  Early in the month we went to Christmas town on the Museum grounds, to see a play my mom put together.  The kids also got to go sledding!  (I know sledding in Bakersfield?!?)  We had several weeks of crazy cold weather!  Which is why the kids are so bundled up in the picture below!

In other BIG news, Rick turned the big 30!!  We had a party, which was not documented with pictures (my bad!)  but we did have a party!!  On Rick's actual birthday we went out to dinner all 5 of us to Rick's favorite restaurant!  Then we stopped by Jenk's Tire to take in the magical scene he always displays at Christmas time!!    

We have been spending quite a bit of time at Hart Park going on family 'ventures!!

Matthew lost his first tooth!!

The kids made a ginger bread village with Grandma

On Christmas eve we went out to lunch!! (I think we have established a fun new tradition!!)

We enjoy being silly together!!

After our fun lunch we got the kids an early Christmas present, a new hamster which the kids named Chewy (Chewbacca).  We then headed home to settle our new pet in and prepare for Christmas Eve!

The kids got to open their Christmas pj's!  Then we loaded up in the motor home (where the kids loaded up on sugar) to look at Christmas lights with my parents!  (another favorite Christmas tradition!)  

After we had seen all the Christmas lights, it was time for our little sugar plums to go to bed, so Santa could come!  

The next morning the kids were ready to see what had been brought for them!!  Jackson immediately found what was left of Santa's cookies. 

After all of our presents had been opened and the aftermath cleaned up.  We all got dressed and headed to my parents house to continue the Christmas festivities!!  We opened more presents, and ate good food then headed back to our house for the grand finale...we got to Skype with Sister Woessner!!  

Every year it's fun to see and hear how the kids understand the true meaning of Christmas, and the story of the Nativity!  This year the best Baby Jesus moment came from Lilly.  She decided that since there were wise men/the "3 kings" her princesses must have been there too!    

We had a wonderful and Christ filled Christmas, I hope that Christmas found everyone in good health and full of happiness!


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