Monday, April 1, 2013


Easter was quite the event this year!  I was still extremely pregnant, Rick had to work and Matthew got sick, but we made the most of it!!  The day before Easter while Rick was home we dyed Easter eggs, my Mom and Merrie brought their eggs over to dye too.  The kids had a great time, Lilly actually got to participate this year! 

After the kids went to bed I put their Easter baskets out for the Easter bunny to fill, and Rick helped the Easter bunny hide the plastic eggs around the house.  The next morning the kids hunted for eggs before church, I allowed them one piece of candy, which was probably a mistake!  Matthew woke up complaining that he didn't feel well, but after a shower and all the excitement of Easter he seemed to be ok!  We got ready and headed off to church, we had to stop by and pick up Merrie due to car trouble.  As soon as we turned onto my parents street Matthew puked blue vomit (the color of the piece of candy I allowed him to eat) all over his new Easter outfit and the back seat of my car.  I dropped Merrie and Lilly off at church and took Matthew home where he threw up two more times in the front yard.  After eating some crackers, drinking some water and taking some medicine he said he still wanted to go to church so I dressed him in some clean clothes and we headed to church for the second time. (Matthew was very upset he didn't get to wear his new Easter outfit)  I'm not really sure what caused him to get so sick, but he was fine the rest of the day!
After church we went to my parents house for Easter dinner, it was pouring out side so the kids hunted for eggs inside.  We talked to the kids about the true meaning behind Easter, and enjoyed spending a lazy Sunday afternoon together. 
Merrie and my Mom made this beautiful princess Easter dress for Lilly, which she absolutely adores!!

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